Posted on: 28 Sep 2022
Harvest Festival
On Friday 7th October, our Year 4 classes will be delivering a Harvest Festival assembly to the school. Any parent/carer of children in year 4 are invited to come and watch this performance at 9:00am.
After the assembly, the Pastoral Team at Barton will be armed with coffee, tea and biscuits for a coffee morning. Our Barton 'Swap Shop' will be ready and the Year 4 teachers will also be joining us so you can meet your child's new teacher.
For Harvest this year, we are collecting donations for Dover Foodbank.There is no obligation for this but if you are able to donate any non-perishable food, please can we ask that children bring it in before or on Friday 7th October.
Below is a list of the most wanted items:
Dried pasta,
Instant coffee,
Long-life fruit juice,
Long-life milk,
Microwaveable puddings,
Pasta sauces,
Shower gel,
Cuppa soups,
Tea bags,
Tinned fruit,
Tinned meat and fish,
Tinned puddings,
Tinned spaghetti,
Tinned vegetables,
Tinned potatoes,
Toilet rolls,
Vegetarian/free from options.
We are happy to receive ANY sealed tinned/ Long-life items.
Many thanks,
Miss O'Dell